Terms of Service

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define and specify the rights and obligations of the seller (service provider) on the one hand and the buyer (customer, consumer) on the other. All contractual relations between the seller and the buyer are concluded in accordance with the legal order of the Slovak Republic. If the contracting party is a consumer, legal relations not regulated by these terms and conditions are governed by Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended, Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection as amended, Act no. 108/2000 Coll. on consumer protection in home sales and mail order sales as amended. In the event that the contracting party is an entrepreneur, legal relations not regulated by these terms and conditions are governed by Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended.


The terms and conditions apply to orders made exclusively through the site "client.unarii.io”.


1. Basic information

1.1. Service provider

Service provider is the company unarii, s.r.o., with registered office at Veľkoveská ulica 159/12, 951 13 Branč - Veľká Ves, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court in Nitra, section: Sro, insert: 60329/N (hereinafter referred to as "Provider", "Operator" or "Service Provider"). The terms and conditions regulate the relationship between the customer and the service provider.


1.2. Offered services

The company provides the following services

  • Domain registration
  • Hosting for websites, Email services (receiving and sending electronic mail) and other related services
  • Rental of virtual servers, so-called VPS or dedicated servers
  • And other services

(hereinafter referred to as "Services")


Before entering into a contractual relationship with the service provider, the customer must agree to the terms and conditions, and the service provider reserves the right to refuse to provide the given service, or to cancel an existing order or service, in case of violation of these terms.


1.2. Customer

A customer is a natural or legal person to whom the service provider - after meeting all conditions - will provide the named services.

2. Conditions and description of services provided

2.1. Domain registration

2.1.1. The domain registration will be carried out by the provider after receiving the duly completed order and after paying it through the payment gateway via the web interface on the website client.unarii.io.

2.1.2. We process most orders immediately after the conditions are met, in case of trouble, the next working day at the latest.

2.1.3. Domain fees are non-refundable.

2.1.3. The customer is obliged to provide all data and documents necessary to register the requested domain. Domain registration may be subject to approval and registration based on the rules and procedures given by the respective domain registrar.

2.1.4. The order alone does not guarantee the customer a successful domain registration. Domain registration works on a "first come, first served" basis. In short, this means that if, at the time of your order, the domain is being already registered with another third party, this order will be rejected and the funds spent on the order will be returned to the customer.

2.1.5. The customer is obliged to pay the advance invoice when it is due, if he does not do so, the customer risks forfeiting the domain registration. If the invoice is not paid on time, the order will be canceled and the domain will not be registered.

2.1.6. The operator is not responsible for the damages that the customer incurs due to the fact that the given domain was already registered with another registrar at a similar time as he tried to do it on our website. In case of unsuccessful registration, all funds spent on the order will be returned to the customer.

2.1.7. The customer is obliged to provide correct data in the order, such as Name, Address, Email address, etc.. This data is important for the domain to be registered correctly and for you to become the holder. The customer is obliged to provide full cooperation in the completion of missing data and documents in the event of a request from the provider.

2.1.8. The provider does not verify the domain name or examine its content in any other way. Some names may be trademarks of other companies. In case of violation of applicable laws or trademarks of natural or legal persons, the consequences are borne by the customer. The customer confirms that he is authorized to register and use the selected domain and that he will not abuse any third party rights or violate any applicable laws.

2.1.9. The provider is not responsible for any forfeiture of the domain registration if the invoice for the extension is paid after the due date. Some domain extensions can be extended even after the expiration date during the redemption period, but this is no longer guaranteed and in most cases it is also much more expensive than extending the domain during its validity period.

2.1.10. The provider reserves the right to refuse domain extension for any reason.

2.1.11. After the domain expires, the given name can be available again for registration by another person. After the expiration of the contractual relationship, the operator is not responsible for managing the domain.

2.1.12. In the event that other additional services such as website hosting, email services or others were provided for the domain, these will expire no later than the day the domain expired.

2.1.13. The provider reserves the right to cancel the domain registration if the client violates these terms and conditions or relevant legal regulations.

2.1.14. The provider reserves the right to terminate the service for any reason, including but not limited to the violation of terms and conditions.

2.2. Hosting, rental of virtual and dedicated servers

2.2.1. The provider undertakes to provide web hosting services, rental of virtual and dedicated servers to the customer in accordance with these terms and conditions.

2.2.2. The customer is obliged to provide true information when registering and creating an account.

2.2.3. The customer is responsible for protecting his login data to the client area. In case of misuse of login data by a third party, the customer is responsible for the damage caused.

2.2.4. The customer undertakes to pay the fees for the services provided in accordance with the payment terms of the provider.

2.2.5. Fees are charged in advance and may be adjusted by the provider at its discretion.

2.2.6. The provider undertakes to provide hosting services with responsibility and to try to minimize downtime.

2.2.7. The provider has the right to planned maintenance and server updates, about which the customer will be informed in advance.

2.2.8. The customer confirms that he owns or has the right to use all content and materials published on his website. The customer undertakes to protect the intellectual property of third parties and not to infringe copyright.

2.2.9. The customer is responsible for the content of their websites and applications hosted by the provider.

2.2.10. The provider reserves the right to cancel the service or suspend the customer's account in case of violation of these terms and conditions.

2.2.12. The provider will comply with the laws on personal data protection and privacy protection. You can find more about the collected data on the Personal data protection page

2.2.13. The provider is not responsible for the loss of the customer's data or for any indirect damages. Each customer is responsible for creating their own backups.

2.2.14. In the event of an unplanned service outage, the customer will be compensated for the duration of the outage in the manner notified by the provider. The provider is not responsible for any financial damages resulting from an outage.

2.2.15. The provider does not provide any explicit or implicit guarantees regarding the reliability and availability of services.

2.2.16. Customer is responsible for restoring its services in a timely manner to avoid service outages.

2.2.17. The provider will provide the customer with technical support through tickets. The customer is expected to communicate politely with the provider and to respect the working hours of the support.

2.2.19. The customer website may contain links to third party websites. The provider is not responsible for the content of these pages or for any damages caused by the use of these pages.

2.2.20. The provider reserves the right to terminate the service for any reason, including but not limited to the violation of terms and conditions.

The provider reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. The changes will be published on the website of the provider, and the customer will be informed about these changes by e-mail.

For the Slovak version click here.


Last change: 29/10/2023.

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The company unarii, s.r.o., with registered office at Veľkoveská ulica 159/12, 951 13 Branč,...